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 How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina

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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyMer 15 Fév - 21:33

☆ Katerina Yelena Petrova ☆
© credit : tumblr & bazzart & livejournal
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Liens en constructions ➜ Damon Salvatore
Liens en attentes ➜ Elena
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Liens a ajouter ➜ Anastasia, Rebekah, Caroline, Stefan, Warren, Rose.

Crédit: Hell's Angel

Dernière édition par Katerina Petrova le Ven 17 Fév - 1:48, édité 4 fois
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyMer 15 Fév - 21:33

× Blame it on the girls ×
❝ elena gilbert
double irritant • nina dobrev
Ici décrivez le lien entre vous et votre scénario. Le maximum d'informations aidera le joueur qui le prendra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porta condimentum nunc a porta. Maecenas dapibus nibh sit amet felis imperdiet at aliquam lorem gravida. In metus augue, ultrices ut tristique et, pretium ac sem. Vestibulum tincidunt commodo lacus a varius. Vivamus a dictum felis. Aliquam molestie sollicitudin neque, a eleifend eros rutrum et. Aliquam rutrum laoreet dolor vitae volutpat. Phasellus sodales tincidunt purus id fermentum. Etiam vel massa felis, et consectetur ligula. Sed tempor rhoncus lectus at semper. Vivamus a metus et turpis suscipit mollis quis at dui. Cras consectetur vulputate turpis, in ornare neque tincidunt sed. Morbi dapibus luctus urna. Duis et congue quam. Sed sit amet ante justo. Mauris vitae commodo sapien. Sed sagittis mattis urna. Aliquam sit amet nulla a lorem scelerisque vulputate. Pellentesque mattis faucibus lobortis. Phasellus ut purus tellus, ac vulputate leo. Donec luctus, nunc eget tincidunt elementum, nulla ipsum consequat orci, a dignissim nisl lectus id mi. Nullam eros lacus, ultrices eget condimentum non, tempus ac sapien. Aenean nec lorem eget massa viverra porta quis vitae erat. Phasellus eleifend ante non leo blandit ut tincidunt eros pellentesque. Nam dapibus condimentum nisl in commodo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse laoreet commodo facilisis. Cras id orci id nulla volutpat vehicula vitae eget justo. Etiam consequat sapien ac libero viverra adipiscing. Nam mollis, sapien sit amet ullamcorper sagittis, augue magna ornare enim, tempor porttitor ligula eros non augue. Aenean lobortis dolor id massa rutrum pellentesque semper urna volutpat. Cras nec pulvinar est. Duis tristique quam id ligula sodales ornare. Nulla facilisi. In et vehicula lectus. Ut condimentum, leo ut consectetur feugiat, tellus quam consectetur velit, eu iaculis enim mi ac dolor. Aliquam erat elit, pellentesque vel tincidunt id, consequat a neque.

❝ caroline forbes
un lien intéressant • coca cola ♥
Ici décrivez le lien entre vous et votre scénario. Le maximum d'informations aidera le joueur qui le prendra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porta condimentum nunc a porta. Maecenas dapibus nibh sit amet felis imperdiet at aliquam lorem gravida. In metus augue, ultrices ut tristique et, pretium ac sem. Vestibulum tincidunt commodo lacus a varius. Vivamus a dictum felis. Aliquam molestie sollicitudin neque, a eleifend eros rutrum et. Aliquam rutrum laoreet dolor vitae volutpat. Phasellus sodales tincidunt purus id fermentum. Etiam vel massa felis, et consectetur ligula. Sed tempor rhoncus lectus at semper. Vivamus a metus et turpis suscipit mollis quis at dui. Cras consectetur vulputate turpis, in ornare neque tincidunt sed. Morbi dapibus luctus urna. Duis et congue quam. Sed sit amet ante justo. Mauris vitae commodo sapien. Sed sagittis mattis urna. Aliquam sit amet nulla a lorem scelerisque vulputate. Pellentesque mattis faucibus lobortis. Phasellus ut purus tellus, ac vulputate leo. Donec luctus, nunc eget tincidunt elementum, nulla ipsum consequat orci, a dignissim nisl lectus id mi. Nullam eros lacus, ultrices eget condimentum non, tempus ac sapien. Aenean nec lorem eget massa viverra porta quis vitae erat. Phasellus eleifend ante non leo blandit ut tincidunt eros pellentesque. Nam dapibus condimentum nisl in commodo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse laoreet commodo facilisis. Cras id orci id nulla volutpat vehicula vitae eget justo. Etiam consequat sapien ac libero viverra adipiscing. Nam mollis, sapien sit amet ullamcorper sagittis, augue magna ornare enim, tempor porttitor ligula eros non augue. Aenean lobortis dolor id massa rutrum pellentesque semper urna volutpat. Cras nec pulvinar est. Duis tristique quam id ligula sodales ornare. Nulla facilisi. In et vehicula lectus. Ut condimentum, leo ut consectetur feugiat, tellus quam consectetur velit, eu iaculis enim mi ac dolor. Aliquam erat elit, pellentesque vel tincidunt id, consequat a neque.

❝ rose m. smith
une alliée chez les ennemis • Lauren C.
Ici décrivez le lien entre vous et votre scénario. Le maximum d'informations aidera le joueur qui le prendra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porta condimentum nunc a porta. Maecenas dapibus nibh sit amet felis imperdiet at aliquam lorem gravida. In metus augue, ultrices ut tristique et, pretium ac sem. Vestibulum tincidunt commodo lacus a varius. Vivamus a dictum felis. Aliquam molestie sollicitudin neque, a eleifend eros rutrum et. Aliquam rutrum laoreet dolor vitae volutpat. Phasellus sodales tincidunt purus id fermentum. Etiam vel massa felis, et consectetur ligula. Sed tempor rhoncus lectus at semper. Vivamus a metus et turpis suscipit mollis quis at dui. Cras consectetur vulputate turpis, in ornare neque tincidunt sed. Morbi dapibus luctus urna. Duis et congue quam. Sed sit amet ante justo. Mauris vitae commodo sapien. Sed sagittis mattis urna. Aliquam sit amet nulla a lorem scelerisque vulputate. Pellentesque mattis faucibus lobortis. Phasellus ut purus tellus, ac vulputate leo. Donec luctus, nunc eget tincidunt elementum, nulla ipsum consequat orci, a dignissim nisl lectus id mi. Nullam eros lacus, ultrices eget condimentum non, tempus ac sapien. Aenean nec lorem eget massa viverra porta quis vitae erat. Phasellus eleifend ante non leo blandit ut tincidunt eros pellentesque. Nam dapibus condimentum nisl in commodo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse laoreet commodo facilisis. Cras id orci id nulla volutpat vehicula vitae eget justo. Etiam consequat sapien ac libero viverra adipiscing. Nam mollis, sapien sit amet ullamcorper sagittis, augue magna ornare enim, tempor porttitor ligula eros non augue. Aenean lobortis dolor id massa rutrum pellentesque semper urna volutpat. Cras nec pulvinar est. Duis tristique quam id ligula sodales ornare. Nulla facilisi. In et vehicula lectus. Ut condimentum, leo ut consectetur feugiat, tellus quam consectetur velit, eu iaculis enim mi ac dolor. Aliquam erat elit, pellentesque vel tincidunt id, consequat a neque.

❝ rebekah mikaelson
on se comprend • Claire Holt
Ici décrivez le lien entre vous et votre scénario. Le maximum d'informations aidera le joueur qui le prendra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porta condimentum nunc a porta. Maecenas dapibus nibh sit amet felis imperdiet at aliquam lorem gravida. In metus augue, ultrices ut tristique et, pretium ac sem. Vestibulum tincidunt commodo lacus a varius. Vivamus a dictum felis. Aliquam molestie sollicitudin neque, a eleifend eros rutrum et. Aliquam rutrum laoreet dolor vitae volutpat. Phasellus sodales tincidunt purus id fermentum. Etiam vel massa felis, et consectetur ligula. Sed tempor rhoncus lectus at semper. Vivamus a metus et turpis suscipit mollis quis at dui. Cras consectetur vulputate turpis, in ornare neque tincidunt sed. Morbi dapibus luctus urna. Duis et congue quam. Sed sit amet ante justo. Mauris vitae commodo sapien. Sed sagittis mattis urna. Aliquam sit amet nulla a lorem scelerisque vulputate. Pellentesque mattis faucibus lobortis. Phasellus ut purus tellus, ac vulputate leo. Donec luctus, nunc eget tincidunt elementum, nulla ipsum consequat orci, a dignissim nisl lectus id mi. Nullam eros lacus, ultrices eget condimentum non, tempus ac sapien. Aenean nec lorem eget massa viverra porta quis vitae erat. Phasellus eleifend ante non leo blandit ut tincidunt eros pellentesque. Nam dapibus condimentum nisl in commodo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse laoreet commodo facilisis. Cras id orci id nulla volutpat vehicula vitae eget justo. Etiam consequat sapien ac libero viverra adipiscing. Nam mollis, sapien sit amet ullamcorper sagittis, augue magna ornare enim, tempor porttitor ligula eros non augue. Aenean lobortis dolor id massa rutrum pellentesque semper urna volutpat. Cras nec pulvinar est. Duis tristique quam id ligula sodales ornare. Nulla facilisi. In et vehicula lectus. Ut condimentum, leo ut consectetur feugiat, tellus quam consectetur velit, eu iaculis enim mi ac dolor. Aliquam erat elit, pellentesque vel tincidunt id, consequat a neque.

❝ B. Anastasia Praskoviya
quelle étrange jouet • K-Stew
Ici décrivez le lien entre vous et votre scénario. Le maximum d'informations aidera le joueur qui le prendra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porta condimentum nunc a porta. Maecenas dapibus nibh sit amet felis imperdiet at aliquam lorem gravida. In metus augue, ultrices ut tristique et, pretium ac sem. Vestibulum tincidunt commodo lacus a varius. Vivamus a dictum felis. Aliquam molestie sollicitudin neque, a eleifend eros rutrum et. Aliquam rutrum laoreet dolor vitae volutpat. Phasellus sodales tincidunt purus id fermentum. Etiam vel massa felis, et consectetur ligula. Sed tempor rhoncus lectus at semper. Vivamus a metus et turpis suscipit mollis quis at dui. Cras consectetur vulputate turpis, in ornare neque tincidunt sed. Morbi dapibus luctus urna. Duis et congue quam. Sed sit amet ante justo. Mauris vitae commodo sapien. Sed sagittis mattis urna. Aliquam sit amet nulla a lorem scelerisque vulputate. Pellentesque mattis faucibus lobortis. Phasellus ut purus tellus, ac vulputate leo. Donec luctus, nunc eget tincidunt elementum, nulla ipsum consequat orci, a dignissim nisl lectus id mi. Nullam eros lacus, ultrices eget condimentum non, tempus ac sapien. Aenean nec lorem eget massa viverra porta quis vitae erat. Phasellus eleifend ante non leo blandit ut tincidunt eros pellentesque. Nam dapibus condimentum nisl in commodo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse laoreet commodo facilisis. Cras id orci id nulla volutpat vehicula vitae eget justo. Etiam consequat sapien ac libero viverra adipiscing. Nam mollis, sapien sit amet ullamcorper sagittis, augue magna ornare enim, tempor porttitor ligula eros non augue. Aenean lobortis dolor id massa rutrum pellentesque semper urna volutpat. Cras nec pulvinar est. Duis tristique quam id ligula sodales ornare. Nulla facilisi. In et vehicula lectus. Ut condimentum, leo ut consectetur feugiat, tellus quam consectetur velit, eu iaculis enim mi ac dolor. Aliquam erat elit, pellentesque vel tincidunt id, consequat a neque.


Dernière édition par Katerina Petrova le Ven 17 Fév - 2:00, édité 3 fois
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyMer 15 Fév - 21:33

× Boys, you're driving me crazy. ×
❝ damon salvatore
en construction • ian somerhalder
Ici décrivez le lien entre vous et votre scénario. Le maximum d'informations aidera le joueur qui le prendra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porta condimentum nunc a porta. Maecenas dapibus nibh sit amet felis imperdiet at aliquam lorem gravida. In metus augue, ultrices ut tristique et, pretium ac sem. Vestibulum tincidunt commodo lacus a varius. Vivamus a dictum felis. Aliquam molestie sollicitudin neque, a eleifend eros rutrum et. Aliquam rutrum laoreet dolor vitae volutpat. Phasellus sodales tincidunt purus id fermentum. Etiam vel massa felis, et consectetur ligula. Sed tempor rhoncus lectus at semper. Vivamus a metus et turpis suscipit mollis quis at dui. Cras consectetur vulputate turpis, in ornare neque tincidunt sed. Morbi dapibus luctus urna. Duis et congue quam. Sed sit amet ante justo. Mauris vitae commodo sapien. Sed sagittis mattis urna. Aliquam sit amet nulla a lorem scelerisque vulputate. Pellentesque mattis faucibus lobortis. Phasellus ut purus tellus, ac vulputate leo. Donec luctus, nunc eget tincidunt elementum, nulla ipsum consequat orci, a dignissim nisl lectus id mi. Nullam eros lacus, ultrices eget condimentum non, tempus ac sapien. Aenean nec lorem eget massa viverra porta quis vitae erat. Phasellus eleifend ante non leo blandit ut tincidunt eros pellentesque. Nam dapibus condimentum nisl in commodo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse laoreet commodo facilisis. Cras id orci id nulla volutpat vehicula vitae eget justo. Etiam consequat sapien ac libero viverra adipiscing. Nam mollis, sapien sit amet ullamcorper sagittis, augue magna ornare enim, tempor porttitor ligula eros non augue. Aenean lobortis dolor id massa rutrum pellentesque semper urna volutpat. Cras nec pulvinar est. Duis tristique quam id ligula sodales ornare. Nulla facilisi. In et vehicula lectus. Ut condimentum, leo ut consectetur feugiat, tellus quam consectetur velit, eu iaculis enim mi ac dolor. Aliquam erat elit, pellentesque vel tincidunt id, consequat a neque.

❝ stefan salvatore
you're so much more fun now • Paulochon
Ici décrivez le lien entre vous et votre scénario. Le maximum d'informations aidera le joueur qui le prendra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porta condimentum nunc a porta. Maecenas dapibus nibh sit amet felis imperdiet at aliquam lorem gravida. In metus augue, ultrices ut tristique et, pretium ac sem. Vestibulum tincidunt commodo lacus a varius. Vivamus a dictum felis. Aliquam molestie sollicitudin neque, a eleifend eros rutrum et. Aliquam rutrum laoreet dolor vitae volutpat. Phasellus sodales tincidunt purus id fermentum. Etiam vel massa felis, et consectetur ligula. Sed tempor rhoncus lectus at semper. Vivamus a metus et turpis suscipit mollis quis at dui. Cras consectetur vulputate turpis, in ornare neque tincidunt sed. Morbi dapibus luctus urna. Duis et congue quam. Sed sit amet ante justo. Mauris vitae commodo sapien. Sed sagittis mattis urna. Aliquam sit amet nulla a lorem scelerisque vulputate. Pellentesque mattis faucibus lobortis. Phasellus ut purus tellus, ac vulputate leo. Donec luctus, nunc eget tincidunt elementum, nulla ipsum consequat orci, a dignissim nisl lectus id mi. Nullam eros lacus, ultrices eget condimentum non, tempus ac sapien. Aenean nec lorem eget massa viverra porta quis vitae erat. Phasellus eleifend ante non leo blandit ut tincidunt eros pellentesque. Nam dapibus condimentum nisl in commodo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse laoreet commodo facilisis. Cras id orci id nulla volutpat vehicula vitae eget justo. Etiam consequat sapien ac libero viverra adipiscing. Nam mollis, sapien sit amet ullamcorper sagittis, augue magna ornare enim, tempor porttitor ligula eros non augue. Aenean lobortis dolor id massa rutrum pellentesque semper urna volutpat. Cras nec pulvinar est. Duis tristique quam id ligula sodales ornare. Nulla facilisi. In et vehicula lectus. Ut condimentum, leo ut consectetur feugiat, tellus quam consectetur velit, eu iaculis enim mi ac dolor. Aliquam erat elit, pellentesque vel tincidunt id, consequat a neque.

❝ warren dalton
meilleur ami • M. Fassbender
Ici décrivez le lien entre vous et votre scénario. Le maximum d'informations aidera le joueur qui le prendra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porta condimentum nunc a porta. Maecenas dapibus nibh sit amet felis imperdiet at aliquam lorem gravida. In metus augue, ultrices ut tristique et, pretium ac sem. Vestibulum tincidunt commodo lacus a varius. Vivamus a dictum felis. Aliquam molestie sollicitudin neque, a eleifend eros rutrum et. Aliquam rutrum laoreet dolor vitae volutpat. Phasellus sodales tincidunt purus id fermentum. Etiam vel massa felis, et consectetur ligula. Sed tempor rhoncus lectus at semper. Vivamus a metus et turpis suscipit mollis quis at dui. Cras consectetur vulputate turpis, in ornare neque tincidunt sed. Morbi dapibus luctus urna. Duis et congue quam. Sed sit amet ante justo. Mauris vitae commodo sapien. Sed sagittis mattis urna. Aliquam sit amet nulla a lorem scelerisque vulputate. Pellentesque mattis faucibus lobortis. Phasellus ut purus tellus, ac vulputate leo. Donec luctus, nunc eget tincidunt elementum, nulla ipsum consequat orci, a dignissim nisl lectus id mi. Nullam eros lacus, ultrices eget condimentum non, tempus ac sapien. Aenean nec lorem eget massa viverra porta quis vitae erat. Phasellus eleifend ante non leo blandit ut tincidunt eros pellentesque. Nam dapibus condimentum nisl in commodo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse laoreet commodo facilisis. Cras id orci id nulla volutpat vehicula vitae eget justo. Etiam consequat sapien ac libero viverra adipiscing. Nam mollis, sapien sit amet ullamcorper sagittis, augue magna ornare enim, tempor porttitor ligula eros non augue. Aenean lobortis dolor id massa rutrum pellentesque semper urna volutpat. Cras nec pulvinar est. Duis tristique quam id ligula sodales ornare. Nulla facilisi. In et vehicula lectus. Ut condimentum, leo ut consectetur feugiat, tellus quam consectetur velit, eu iaculis enim mi ac dolor. Aliquam erat elit, pellentesque vel tincidunt id, consequat a neque.

❝ nom p. prénom
sorte de lien • célébrité
Ici décrivez le lien entre vous et votre scénario. Le maximum d'informations aidera le joueur qui le prendra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porta condimentum nunc a porta. Maecenas dapibus nibh sit amet felis imperdiet at aliquam lorem gravida. In metus augue, ultrices ut tristique et, pretium ac sem. Vestibulum tincidunt commodo lacus a varius. Vivamus a dictum felis. Aliquam molestie sollicitudin neque, a eleifend eros rutrum et. Aliquam rutrum laoreet dolor vitae volutpat. Phasellus sodales tincidunt purus id fermentum. Etiam vel massa felis, et consectetur ligula. Sed tempor rhoncus lectus at semper. Vivamus a metus et turpis suscipit mollis quis at dui. Cras consectetur vulputate turpis, in ornare neque tincidunt sed. Morbi dapibus luctus urna. Duis et congue quam. Sed sit amet ante justo. Mauris vitae commodo sapien. Sed sagittis mattis urna. Aliquam sit amet nulla a lorem scelerisque vulputate. Pellentesque mattis faucibus lobortis. Phasellus ut purus tellus, ac vulputate leo. Donec luctus, nunc eget tincidunt elementum, nulla ipsum consequat orci, a dignissim nisl lectus id mi. Nullam eros lacus, ultrices eget condimentum non, tempus ac sapien. Aenean nec lorem eget massa viverra porta quis vitae erat. Phasellus eleifend ante non leo blandit ut tincidunt eros pellentesque. Nam dapibus condimentum nisl in commodo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse laoreet commodo facilisis. Cras id orci id nulla volutpat vehicula vitae eget justo. Etiam consequat sapien ac libero viverra adipiscing. Nam mollis, sapien sit amet ullamcorper sagittis, augue magna ornare enim, tempor porttitor ligula eros non augue. Aenean lobortis dolor id massa rutrum pellentesque semper urna volutpat. Cras nec pulvinar est. Duis tristique quam id ligula sodales ornare. Nulla facilisi. In et vehicula lectus. Ut condimentum, leo ut consectetur feugiat, tellus quam consectetur velit, eu iaculis enim mi ac dolor. Aliquam erat elit, pellentesque vel tincidunt id, consequat a neque.


Dernière édition par Katerina Petrova le Ven 17 Fév - 2:13, édité 4 fois
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyMer 15 Fév - 21:34

justeaucasoù! A vous! I love you
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Rose M. Smith

Rose M. Smith
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 79034068
✖ TU AS POSTÉ : 241
✖ STATUT CIVIL : Célibataire pour pas changer
✖ PASSE-TEMPS : Trainer dans les rues de Mystic Falls, observer les gens qu'elle a connu
✖ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Lauren Cohan

En savoir plus
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Left_bar_bleue0/0How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyMer 15 Fév - 22:33

MOIIIIIIIIII How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 1372483206
Alliées pour tuer Elena How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 4200685455
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 4146147718
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B. Anastasia Praskoviya

B. Anastasia Praskoviya
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Kissing_6
Ma vie c'est toi
✖ TU AS POSTÉ : 222
✖ STATUT CIVIL : Je suis complètement, littéralement amoureuse de lui... Mais mon amour pour lui m’amènera à faire des choux auquel j'avais renoncé.
✖ PASSE-TEMPS : Danse/Peindre/Voler
✖ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Kristen Stewart

En savoir plus
Défoulez-vous ! :
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Left_bar_bleue0/0How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyMer 15 Fév - 22:35

m'oublie pas ♥
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyMer 15 Fév - 22:36

    Bien sur! How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 4200685455 C'était même obligatoire! How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 1282763617

    Ouai, seulement j'peux pas... J'ai promis aux frères d'être sage en ce qui concerne elena :roll:Mais tu veux du positif ou du négatif? Tout en sachant que c'est un peu de ma faute si tu as passé les trois quarts de ta vie à fuir (a)

    J'oublie pas ma belle! I love you
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Rose M. Smith

Rose M. Smith
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 79034068
✖ TU AS POSTÉ : 241
✖ STATUT CIVIL : Célibataire pour pas changer
✖ PASSE-TEMPS : Trainer dans les rues de Mystic Falls, observer les gens qu'elle a connu
✖ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Lauren Cohan

En savoir plus
Défoulez-vous ! :
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Left_bar_bleue0/0How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyMer 15 Fév - 22:48

Katerina Petrova a écrit:
    Bien sur! How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 4200685455 C'était même obligatoire! How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 1282763617

    Ouai, seulement j'peux pas... J'ai promis aux frères d'être sage en ce qui concerne elena :roll:Mais tu veux du positif ou du négatif? Tout en sachant que c'est un peu de ma faute si tu as passé les trois quarts de ta vie à fuir (a)

Enh ... Mad Moi qui voulais faire une alliance avec Katherine pour buter Elena une bonne fois pour toute, c'est raté How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 2553353479
Bah, partons sur du négatif alors, tant pis Sad On prend la relation Rose/Katherine de base et voilà
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyJeu 16 Fév - 15:51

    Mais garde en tête que Katherine meurt d'envie d'éliminer sa nunuche de double... Du coup, si un jour les frères ou l'innocente l’énervent de trop, elle pourrait ne plus répondre de ses actes. (a)

    Et puis on peut partir sur le bon vieux lien et o ajouterais Rose qui essaie de convaincre Katerina de tourner le dos aux frère et de se débarrasser d'Elena. En lui faisant valoir que leur haine commune pour la jeune fille pourrait les rapprocher. Comme ça on garde un bout de lien complexe quand même! ^^ ( Je sais pas si je suis claire lol)

    Ça t'irait?
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Rose M. Smith

Rose M. Smith
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 79034068
✖ TU AS POSTÉ : 241
✖ STATUT CIVIL : Célibataire pour pas changer
✖ PASSE-TEMPS : Trainer dans les rues de Mystic Falls, observer les gens qu'elle a connu
✖ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Lauren Cohan

En savoir plus
Défoulez-vous ! :
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Left_bar_bleue0/0How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyJeu 16 Fév - 16:23

J'ai tout compriiiiiis xD
Pour une fois :p

Pas de soucis, je t'ajouterais en temps et en heure ^^
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyJeu 16 Fév - 16:24

    WAI! Mon explication était pas trop nulle dans ce cas! ^^ How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 1484095161

    Pareil, dés que j'aurais le courage de faire ma fiche! (a)
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E. Riley Calloway

E. Riley Calloway
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Tumblr_ld4ccghyhI1qc3koeo1_500
♫ Baby you light up my world like nobody else ♫

✖ TU AS POSTÉ : 195
✖ AGE DU PERSONNAGE : 20 ans en apparence
✖ STATUT CIVIL : Célibataire
✖ PASSE-TEMPS : Le sang, le sexe, l'argent.
✖ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Hayden Christensen

En savoir plus
Défoulez-vous ! :
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Left_bar_bleue0/0How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyVen 17 Fév - 18:16

How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 3438067596
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyVen 17 Fév - 18:27

    moi. How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 1282763617
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyVen 17 Fév - 18:40

    Avec plaisir tous les deux! How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 1096892544

    Une idée? How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 1282763617
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyVen 17 Fév - 18:51

    alors, alors. elles se ressemblent assez sous tous points de vue, tu voudrais du positif or not? How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 2919738035
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E. Riley Calloway

E. Riley Calloway
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Tumblr_ld4ccghyhI1qc3koeo1_500
♫ Baby you light up my world like nobody else ♫

✖ TU AS POSTÉ : 195
✖ AGE DU PERSONNAGE : 20 ans en apparence
✖ STATUT CIVIL : Célibataire
✖ PASSE-TEMPS : Le sang, le sexe, l'argent.
✖ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Hayden Christensen

En savoir plus
Défoulez-vous ! :
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Left_bar_bleue0/0How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyVen 17 Fév - 18:59

Pas tellement, tu as besoin de quoi niveau vampire masculin ?!
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyVen 17 Fév - 19:02

    Et pourquoi pas un positif qui partirait en vrille de temps à autre. genre elles s'apprécieraient et se respecteraient mutuellement, mais ne pourraient rester longtemps dans le même endroit ensemble- parce que chacune aime marquer son territoire. Du coup, ça pourrait faire des étincelles. Qu'en dis-tu? How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 1096892544
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyVen 17 Fév - 19:12

    Oh, j'aime! Amies-Ennemies un peu, j'aime ça donne bien en RP.
    Elles pourraient se connaitre depuis longtemps, faut dire qu'elles sont pas jeunes. Laughing
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyVen 17 Fév - 19:22

    Oh que oui ça pourra être drôle à jouer. Elles se connaitraient depuis un petit 400 ans, ça te conviendrait? How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 1096892544

    je t'ajoute dés que possible! I love you
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyVen 17 Fév - 19:28

    De même. How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 1096892544
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E. Riley Calloway

E. Riley Calloway
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Tumblr_ld4ccghyhI1qc3koeo1_500
♫ Baby you light up my world like nobody else ♫

✖ TU AS POSTÉ : 195
✖ AGE DU PERSONNAGE : 20 ans en apparence
✖ STATUT CIVIL : Célibataire
✖ PASSE-TEMPS : Le sang, le sexe, l'argent.
✖ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Hayden Christensen

En savoir plus
Défoulez-vous ! :
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Left_bar_bleue0/0How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyVen 17 Fév - 19:30

E. Riley Calloway a écrit:
Pas tellement, tu as besoin de quoi niveau vampire masculin ?!
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyVen 17 Fév - 20:53

puis-je ?
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Kol Mikaelson

Kol Mikaelson
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Tumblr_lzc2tewcGS1qbfk3xo2_250
✖ TU AS POSTÉ : 156
✖ DOUBLE COMPTE : S. Chuck Carmichael
✖ AGE DU PERSONNAGE : Environ 1000 ans
✖ STATUT CIVIL : Célibataire
✖ PASSE-TEMPS : Torturer, tuer, emmerder mon grand frère, et plein d'autres choses encore
✖ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Nathaniel Buzolic

En savoir plus
Défoulez-vous ! :
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Left_bar_bleue0/0How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyVen 17 Fév - 21:03

Kat! Je veux, j'exige un lien avec toi ma chère! Twisted Evil
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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyVen 17 Fév - 21:34

    Riley: Désolée, j'avais pas vu! ^^' De tout et de rien: amis, ennemis, personnes que j'ai transformées, sex friend, anciens amants que j'ai mené en bateau! What a Face alliés? que préfères-tu? How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 3265981769

    Maj: Avec plaisir! I love you Une idée? How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 1096892544

    Kol: Mon tout beau! How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 1282763617 Comment résister... c'était impensable de ne pas avoir de lien avec toi! Tu m'aurais vexé! (a) Tu veux quoi mon mignon? How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina 3265981769
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Kol Mikaelson

Kol Mikaelson
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Tumblr_lzc2tewcGS1qbfk3xo2_250
✖ TU AS POSTÉ : 156
✖ DOUBLE COMPTE : S. Chuck Carmichael
✖ AGE DU PERSONNAGE : Environ 1000 ans
✖ STATUT CIVIL : Célibataire
✖ PASSE-TEMPS : Torturer, tuer, emmerder mon grand frère, et plein d'autres choses encore
✖ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Nathaniel Buzolic

En savoir plus
Défoulez-vous ! :
How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Left_bar_bleue0/0How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina EmptyVen 17 Fév - 21:41

Hey bien, je n'ai pas vraiment d'idée. Kol aurait pu trouver très astucieux de la part de Kat le fait de devenir vampire, et de faire enrager Klaus, il aurait trouvé ça génial. Il pourrait la respecter pour ça, et elle saurait que c'est un originel qui n'a rien contre elle, et qui même admire sa capacité de survie... C'est pas très très abouti pour l'instant Arrow *courtsecacher*
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Contenu sponsorisé

How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina _
MessageSujet: Re: How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina   How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina Empty

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How could this be done? You're such a smiling sweetheart; oh and your sweet and pretty face!... In such an ugly way! - Katerina

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